Monday, October 31, 2011

The Bestest Brother

Brett Alan Johnson
aka. Bubby
Is by far the best brother.
He is always nice to everyone
Even when they are mean to him and don't deserve it.
He has the best giggle.
And the best wings.
I can count on him to make me smile.
Even though only 4 years ago I completely hated the kid,
2 years ago we became best friends.
I would never give him up for anything anymore.
He has definitely made up for the meany he used to be.
Even though we sometimes get in fights.
We can't stay mad for forever.
He is a great role model.
A great friend.
A great brother.
I love him, even though whenever I say that to him he says he hates me!


Family Weekend

This weekend Chelsey & Timothy came down to play. For some reason whenever they come down our family turns into this outdoorsy adventuresome group. We always go on hikes, or 4 wheeler rides, or basically everything we have never normally done. This has been a recent change to the Johnson Family.

This weekend, on Friday we went FISHING? I haven't been fishing in probably 13 years. Now all the sudden we fish. I did catch one fish, and I took him on a walk. I didn't get to keep him though. (He was too small) Sadly. Then I caught another one, and right when I pulled him out he got off the line! Next, the pond monster ate my lure. So I failed.

On Saturday we took a "quick" argo/4 wheeler ride out near the tussle bridge to the waterfall. It took longer than we expected, but we all had a good time. When we got there, Austin decided we should take off our shoes and walk through the water. There were icicles in the waterfall. We couldn't feel our feet by the time we got out.

That night Austin and I DJ'ed the 14-18 year old church dance! We always have tons of fun DJ'ing together. This time my whole family decided they would come and watch us. Mom, dad, Jena, Kim, Chelsey, and Brett were all there. We definitely had a good time. Even mom was shaking it like a country girl for Luke Bryon. Hopefully all the children enjoyed themselves.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Catch Up

I am playing catch up. This weekend was full of blog worthy stories. So here it is, day by day.

This weekend my family went up north on Friday evening to go with Austin to the temple.
The car ride up was quite amusing.
Growing up, anytime I rode in the car with my Grandma Johnson we would sing the whole way up.

Songs like:
All of the Military songs; Navy, Marines, Etc.
Bow wow wow
The Doctor Song
Sippin Cider
The Classics!
To cheer her up we started singing these songs again. It was a great time.

Saturday: while everyone was at the temple. I whipped out my iPhone's Map Quest and drove through Draper area like I was a local. Kimmie, Jena and I went to Target to find some icing for her cake.

While we were in Target we found the most amazing device that we MUST have

After Target we took a trip to the delicious and satisfying: RED MANGO

We hurried back to the temple to be there in time for when they came out. Little did we know they'd be another hour. So we saw three beautiful brides come out and everyone cheer. We got in their little huddles and tried to get caught in pictures. You could say we were the mormon wedding crashers.

Later everyone headed to Tucano's for lunch. It was my first time and I can't believe most everyone ate a chicken heart. We all got Brazilian Lemonades. (BEST DRINK EVER)

Sunday: was Austin's farewell. He did an amazing job. We had a lunch at his house after. When everyone had left, their family went on their traditional family walk and I was invited! Although the only thing I had was what I wore to church. We walked around the block and in the hills, in my heels! We tossed around a football while we were walking. It was way fun.

Monday: it is Red Ribbon Week at Kim's school and Tuesday is Rockstar Day. I headed over to the parents house to do her hair and this was what we got.

Everyone said that it would last through the night... But here is how it turned out!


I had to play this week, and I didn't completely fail. Our team won ONE game. Lost both matches, but one game is a step up to last week! I mostly tried to stay away from the ball. Although I hit the ball a couple of times over the net, I also hit a couple duds. At one point I did a 360 and then hit the ball and it went clear to the other side of the court. In my defense it was because Brett yelled "Kimmie! Morgan! Kimmie!" So I was unsure of who was supposed to get the ball!

This video is us winning the game.

Jazmin was my sub. We played hard. Jaz even got a bruise! 
This is our team picture. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Everlasting Impact

October 22, 2011

My best friend Austin Douglas Davis got to go through the temple. 
I have been so amazed by how far he has come. 
He is an inspiration to me and many others.
When some people thought he wouldn't ever get on a mission, Austin knew he would prove them wrong.
Even when Austin didn't think he could do it, he never gave up.
He is going to be serving the people in Michigan for two years, and they could never be more lucky.
I am so proud of the man Austin has become over the four years I have known him.
All of the changes he has worked to have.
He deserves everything he has worked for.
He has taught me how to grow up.
How to love the Lord.
That doing the small things can make everything so much easier.
How to consider things I would never dream about.
That I am a child of God.
How to be be proud of who I am. 
And I am so proud of all that he has overcome.

He is amazing.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


On Tuesday I was asked to train a new hire for work. I was asked if I wanted either and "awkward kid" or my cousin Seth. That answer was obvious since Sethy Poo and I just the closest cousins ever.

Today was my second day training him. We had tons of fun learning/teaching all day at work. He took calls all my himself and although he is getting better; he still makes some mistakes.

My favorite mistake of the day:
Seth is talking on the phone and the person on the phone asked the deaf person what their birthday was. They say, "1/1/91" (different birthday is used) So Seth goes to relay and says, "One slash, one slash, ninety one." The first time this happened I just giggled to myself thinking that he was just really into the call and didn't notice it was a birthday. Until the second time when it happened again! I laughed again and told him he doesn't have to say "slash."

After I tell him that little tip he says "Oh but Morg, I don't the months very well! In kindergarten I missed the day they went over months!" 

At this point I am in shock. He doesn't know his months. Then he makes it worse. He says, "Well I know that December is 11." 

Now I have to take it upon myself to help this boy. We had been doing all sorts of quizzes throughout the day for work questions, and now I have to teach him the months of the year.

Hopefully after this review of the days of the month he'll be able to be smarter than a kindergartner. Also, hopefully I trained him well enough that he'll get a 100% on his work test tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Red Box Fiasco

On Saturday night, Austin and I decided to have a Red Box movie night. We went and picked a Little C's pizza and "Soul Surfer." We came back to my apartment for this grand event. Just grateful that my trashy DVD player actually worked. We laughed, cried and freaked out.

For those of you who haven't seen Soul Surfer it is about a girl who gets her arm chomped off by a shark. Austin apparently didn't know this, and during the scene when it happens I told him I didn't like the way they made me feel like something bad was going to happen every time she was in the water. Austin replies with, "Yeah, what do they want you to think? A shark is going to come attack her?" Right when he says this the shark attacks her and lo and behold... No arm.

After the movie we decided we should go get yet another Red Box. This time it was "Zookeeper." We also grabbed some Oreo's and some Cherry Dr Pepper. The first half of this movie was really funny. Then it gets old and we both wished for the ending.

It ended up being a really fun night and we both enjoyed ourselves. I told myself I would definitely return the Red Box the next day before 9 PM.

2:13 PM After Church- I have plenty of time, I don't want to run and take it back now.
4:50 PM Austin's- I don't want to leave to take it back, I still have 4 hours
8:00 PM Bishops Fireside- Mention to Brett I HAVE to take it back immediately after
9:56 PM My Apartment- There goes yet another $1.07

10:36 AM Apartment- Daylan and I start our "Most Eligible: Dallas" marathon, I'll take it back later
1:33 PM BEH Communications- FORGOT THE DVD
6:02 PM BDAC- Working out, I'll do it when I get home
7:33 PM Apartment- "Most Eligible: Dallas" is still on.
8:50 PM Institute- I have 10 minutes to run to my house and get the movie and take it back! I take Darren with me and we book it. Get to my apartment and I grab the movie, run back outside, turn the key, and... the car DOESN'T start! I try several more times.
9:00 PM- Another $1 + what it is going to take to fix my car.

Finally get the Red Box movie back in the box and read forums all day learning how to fix my stupid cars security problem. (The security locked me out of my own car)

I was a true mechanic today and fixed my car free of charge. Plus got the Red Box movie back with only a $2 extra charge for the dumbest movie. I feel pretty good about it.

Family Sports

When our family plays sports together it is usually a little different than planned.

For example: Family Golf.

We tried family golf one time in my lifetime. That was because the first and only time was a complete disaster. It happened many years ago when I was around the age of 8. It all started out great, it was a sunny happy day. I was excited because I was taking golf lessons and felt like a pro already. Until one hole when Chelsey tee's up. I really wanted to watch her hit the ball, so I moved behind her in order to see and WHAM! She hits me square in the face with the club.

About a month ago my dad broke the news to me that we were going to sign up for the Carbon County Rec team as a family for VOLLEYBALL! The last time I hit a volleyball was in 9th grade for P.E. I tried and tried to talk him out of it, but there was no stopping this man.

Last night was the first night of this ridiculous idea. I got all decked out in my volleyball attire. Our team was made up of My mom and dad, Brett, Steve Hilliam, Kimmie and her two Pirate teammates, and myself. Obviously too many players for volleyball so I got to sit on the sidelines! My job, to distract the other team with my (sexiness) charm! 

Just my G rated pose.
Needless to say, I think we were worse than my father expected. We lost to the worst team, making us THE BEST TEAM obviously!
"At least you accomplished something" -Austin D. Davis

Look at us go!
The team that beat us!
 Maybe we'll get better as the season goes along!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Apis Mellifera

aka {BEES}

i hate them. 

Growing up I didn't get stung by a bee until my later childhood years. I always bragged that bee's just left me alone. After that first sting (technically 6 stings) by a hornet under the trampoline. I have despised and feared them. 

I think that day started my hatred toward anything puncturing my skin. (example: NEEDLES) 

Today at work, there was a bee. 

It hovered in my station for most of the last hour of my shift. 

In that last hour I 

  • Squealed like six year old 12 times.
  • Knocked my keyboard off my desk
  • Ran out of my cubicle 3 times.
  • Had to tell the every person I was on the phone with there was a bee in the office because I kept making awkward noises.
It was quite the work day. Louis (the operations coordinator) came to my rescue with a container of hand satanizing wipes.

I have no IDEA what he was thinking.

 I was glad the bee hid when he came. I don't trust that Lou would have killed him, but rather pissed him off so he would KILL me!

Needless to say, I survived the bee today. I just hope he is gone tomorrow!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Righty loosey, Lefty tighty?

The Scientific Method:
1. Observation/Research
Problem: The concept of righty tighty, left loosey is unable to be learned by boys.
Past experiences: Austin Davis trying to unscrew not one but two different bolts by using this method and thinking turning it to the right means he is turning it to the left. 
Aust trying to figure out how to get the bolt off. 

2. Hypothesis
Possible solution to teach this method "McCormick's Garlic Salt"

3. Experiment
Sitting at the dinner table at the cabin and explaining the past experiences with Austin starts the experiment. 
Jeff: Pulls out the garlic salt to explain the concept to Austin. In doing this confuses himself and understands everything Austin has been saying.
Morgan & Lylis: Still understand that turning the lid to the right tightens, and turning it to the left loosens it. Wondering the entire time why the boys don't seem to understand.
Austin: Continues to argue his case by trying to confuse Morgan and make her forget all knowledge. (His technique to winning all arguments.)

*experiment continues for about 25 minutes.

4. Conclusion:
That no matter how much it makes sense, boys over analyse in which direction something is turning. They don't grasp the concept that it is a circle and think that, oh goodness I don't even understand their thoughts still! The conclusion is that boys and girls minds are completely different! 
Boys understand: Clockwise and Counter clockwise
Girls understand: Everything 

Science Experiment Complete

Friday, October 7, 2011

Delta Airlines

Today I got to chat with Miss Kalan Nora and reminisce about my travel experiences I had about a week ago. The whole day was quite the adventure getting from Downingtown Pennsylvania to Price Utah. We got out of the house around 6:30 am and had to be at the airport for my flight leaving at 8:20 am. On the way there we hit uber bad traffic.

When we finally  got to the airport I was so stressed and afraid I'd miss my flight since I only had half an hour to get through airport security and get on board the flight. I jumped out of the car said my goodbyes and ran to security. (Keep in mind during all of this I am wearing high heels because they didn't fit into my bag, mistake number 1) When I got to security I took all my stuff out of my pockets and got ready for my turn. Thankfully security was very slow. I put my bags through and got everything checked out. As I was waiting for my bags to come through, the mean security man started yelling "BAG CHECK!" "Someone has a laptop!" (My bag of course) So I am waiting patiently for him to get someone to do a bag check for him. When in fact he was just waiting for me to tell him it was my bag! After realizing this he makes me take the laptop out and put everything through again! I hurried and grabbed my duffle and the laptop and booked it out of there. Still with 20 minutes till departure. I get about 200 yards from security when I realize, I grabbed all my stuff BUT my backpack. So I had to run back to security and grab it, including me getting yelled at by the mean man again!

Eventually I make it to the gate with another slow poke who was huffing and puffing behind me with his pizza. We both get on board and everyone is ready to go. We head out and... MAINTENANCE ISSUES! We had to sit in the airplane for an hour and a half while they tried to fix one little light bulb!? Finally we are in the air.

The only problem now is I am going to miss my connection. So now I have to wait in the Michigan airport for only four more hours. Even though right when my plane landed, my connection had just left the gate! So I spent my time in the Michigan airport lugging around my bags (mistake number 2, not bringing a rolling bag). The plane finally comes after several movies and using all of my meal vouchers. I didn't have a seat assignment so I was one of the last people on, as I was getting onto the plane they made me check my bags because we were completely full.

So, I didn't have to lug everything around after all. Walking down the aisle to find my seat I was thinking to myself I am going to sit by another old business man who doesn't even smile let alone talk to me. So I'm looking above me, row 31, 32, 33.. and 34! Not only is the one boy my age but there are TWO! And I have the middle seat in between them both! I take my seat to quickly learn the boy sitting in the window seat has autism. His name is Corbin and he makes me guess right off the bat who he is engaged to. Hint one: Blonde hair. Hint two: Famous country singer... CARRIE UNDERWOOD!

As I am talking to him I look over at the other boy. He is in a shirt and tie, has a Preach My Gospel book in the basket in front of him. Either A. a future missionary, or B. a RM. He doesn't say One. Single. Word. It is getting kind of awkward at this point and I can't make myself say anything. I sit there in silence. Finally I get the courage to ask him if he is a missionary. He chuckles and says, "What gave me away?" I find out he is just about to go into the MTC the next day and we end up talking the whole way. Thank goodness I had him or else I think I would have killed the boy in the window seat.

Back to Corbin, first 5 minutes, he makes me his girlfriend, tries to hold my hand., and won't let go until I give him a hug, nuzzles his head on my shoulder and keeps stealing my phone. Eventually I show him a picture of Kalan and tell him she is single. He makes her his girlfriend and I am free... for 5 more minutes. He tells me I am beautiful and that he is so lucky! Flattering, sure. A bit much, definitely. He tries to keep my attention by hurting me next. He gives me indian burns and grabs my arm as hard as he can. I am trying to be patient but it is getting to be hard. Next he shows me all the things he can do. He is double jointed so he did all the crazy gross things. Then he puts his leg OVER his head! On an economy airplane seat! With absolutely NO room!
I had to make him stay there so I could snap a picture!
This plane ride had everything you could imagine in it. From happy to sad, from crazy to angry. I felt every emotion and so did Corbin and missionary boy. When we landed he wanted missionary and I to help him find his dad. We told him we would talk to the flight attendant to make sure thats what was supposed to happen and he started yelling and cursing at us. Finally he asked the man behind us to help him. 

When we landed and started getting off Corbin booked it out of the plane and started running away! Me, being my protective self and thinking he would get lost started chasing after him yelling "CORBIN! GET BACK HERE NOW!" While Corbin just kept pointing to some random man! He finally stopped and told me it was his Dad. I felt stupid now, bright red, I shook his hand I told him I was just helping out. He thanked me and that was the last I saw of Corbin Thomas, and the end of the most interesting plane ride I'll ever have.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Under the Sea

On Sunday October 2, 2011 the half of the Johnson Clan took a trip down to St. George to go see the Disney play, The Little Mermaid.

Kim and I had the back of the suburban "Arnold" as we call him, to ourselves. We had the best seats in the car

 On Monday we went shopping all morning

We played tennis in the rain
Kim ran head first into a mirror thinking she could run through it.
We ran red lights and missed exits

About the play.
It was visually amazing. They put on a spectacular show! Even if we did have to stop the show due to rain! We had a great time!

They did an amazing job with all of the costumes and all of the actors/actresses fit their parts very well. Jena sat in the audience and booed every time Ursula and her electric eels came out.

All of the actors/actresses were so genuine and nice. They were so grateful and humble. 

 It was a great mini family vaca. Thanks Mom and Dad!