Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Cutest Tree Around
Saturday night Daylan and I set out for the perfect Christmas tree. We searched high and low until we found the most gorgeous blue spruce. Aka 5' pre lit from Walmart. We got back to the apartment, turned on Santa Claus 2, lit a Christmas candle and got to work. I must say it is probably the cutest tree I have ever seen.
My New Toy
Thanksgiving. It was such a great time full of laughter and fun. Of course the best part came later. At midnight to be exact. The start of a new controversy. Black Friday beginning earlier and earlier every year. Now with it actually starting on Thanksgiving. Did I care? Not really. In my eyes, Thanksgiving is definitely over by 10 PM. Heck, at 7 PM everyone was looking through all the Black Friday deals together. This was when I decided I was going to buy myself a Blu-Ray player. I picked out the very one I wanted in the Walmart sales catalog and we decided to go. Keep in mind I was in Orem as well. We headed over there at exactly midnight. You couldn't hardly even walk through the isle! Everyone had carts full of electronics, toys, and anything else you could ever find at Wally World. I went straight for the Blu-Ray players. Thinking I was too late. I found where the one I wanted should have been... THEY WERE GONE! I was so depressed. I started considering players that were double the price because at this point I just wanted one. When, I found it! Tucked behind all the other players was the VERY one I wanted! I snagged it and we booked it out of there... Well we would have if the lines weren't miles long.
So now I have my very own Blu-Ray player. One that streams Netflix, Hulu Plus and just about everything else you could imagine. Including Dr. Oz's health tips, yoga and Michael Jackson tv. The only problem is.. I watch tv ALL the time now. I find myself just wanting to be alone at home so I can watch my tv. Then I went and bought me an HDMI cable online for $2.99 plus free shipping. I have a great entertainment system if I do say so myself. I am quite proud of it.
I must include. During the black friday rush. My brother Brett and I had a blast. It was my two sisters, Kimmie and Chelsey, my mom then me and bub. When I came out of Walmart I found Brett dancing in the parking lot, music blasting, all by himself. Obviously I joined him and that moment on... We were hyper and out of control. We sped all over the city. Reversed around someone at a stoplight. (My mom thought they were going to call the cops.) We drag raced everyone we could. Made awkward eye contact. Danced, sang, parkcore ballerina style, and just plain went crazy every chance we had. It was a great time! I think my mom was frightened for her life a little. We got back at 5 AM and went to sleep around 6 AM. My mom didn't go to sleep at all. She had a temple session at 6 and she went strong all day.
So now I have my very own Blu-Ray player. One that streams Netflix, Hulu Plus and just about everything else you could imagine. Including Dr. Oz's health tips, yoga and Michael Jackson tv. The only problem is.. I watch tv ALL the time now. I find myself just wanting to be alone at home so I can watch my tv. Then I went and bought me an HDMI cable online for $2.99 plus free shipping. I have a great entertainment system if I do say so myself. I am quite proud of it.
4 AM |
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Loss of wisdom.
Oh the great times of surgery and getting knocked out. So many things I don't remember that I did yesterday right after I got my wisdom teeth out.
#1. I made my mom take a picture of me immediately after I woke up. Ugliest picture of my life I might add.
My mom gets such a laugh out of this letter, she has shared it with basically every person she knows.. Which is why I felt like I should just put it on here.
#4. I told Brett that I needed to tell Ace of Cakes that they are better than Cake Boss. So I wanted to take a magic carpet out to Boston to see them.
#5. My mom did a U-Turn in the gas station parking lot and I yelled at her for going in circles! I thought she was trying to kill me.
#1. I made my mom take a picture of me immediately after I woke up. Ugliest picture of my life I might add.
#2. Austin was just getting dropped off at the MTC right when I was waking up from surgery. My mom said I talked to him and said goodbye, but I don't remember at all. So I continued calling him, his sister, and his dad trying to get a hold of him to tell him bye. Finally his dad answered and told me he was gone, that's when I started crying. The best part is, I don't remember this and every time my mom talks about it, she starts bawling!
#3. Because I didn't think I got to talk to him, I was super depressed. My mom told me I could write him a Dear Elder letter and tell him bye in that. Then she proceeded to go upstairs to take a nap. Leaving me unattended. Which I might add, the instruction paper said "do not leave patient unattended." While I was alone, I somehow wrote him a Dear Elder letter. I have no idea if it will get to him... But here is the letter.
Elder davis.
I am so sorry I didn't get to say bye to you. I am having a really hard time with my teeth :( You are so great and I don't even know if I did this right. I am still pretty out of it. If you aren't my austin davis can you find him for me? Thanks. Let him know he made it! He did such an amazing job. Also. They put a needle in me and I didn't like it at all. I did it though! And I got the cutest picture of you from your dad. I think he likes me sometimes. On tv this girl just hit a boy with a water balloon. I hope that doesn't happen to me. Because its cold outside and I don't like cold wet things mixed. Like snow. I like snow in the snow approved areas only. Oh but if this is my austy congrats and I'm sorry I didn't get to say bye :(
Pssst... I love you.
Mrgy the girl with no more wisdom. Can you tell from my letter? It's not very wise huh? :) at least I still have my head though!!!
Sorry if this letter is too soon. I couldn't wait. Since I was in surgery and I missed you leaving!! I'll wait longer before sending the next one. (loratabs are silly. Don't do drugs on your mission. I don't think that's allowed. But if it is. I can hook you up!!) (only if they say it's okay though. And I don't know if I want to share them. But I might with you!)
I'm done now
Want a care package?? Speak now or forever (well never) get any cookies!!
It wants me to put your estimated departure day!!! I don't know what that is though!! Hurry give it to me so I can send this!!
I don't know if that's my real address. :/ I hope I don't go to jail. Do I go to jail for that? :( if I'm in jail I can't go on a mission! Huh? Please tell them I'm sorry if it's wrong! I just don't remember it right now!
My mom gets such a laugh out of this letter, she has shared it with basically every person she knows.. Which is why I felt like I should just put it on here.
#4. I told Brett that I needed to tell Ace of Cakes that they are better than Cake Boss. So I wanted to take a magic carpet out to Boston to see them.
#5. My mom did a U-Turn in the gas station parking lot and I yelled at her for going in circles! I thought she was trying to kill me.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Remember When..
So many memories that are going to be put to a halt but not an end beginning Wednesday at 12:25 PM
"Years from now I won't remember all those crazy nights or all those times that made us laugh till our stomachs hurt but I'll always remember that you were the one there through it all"
[I will never forget all the crazy/stupid/exciting times we spent together. Even though you'll be leaving for two years the memories will continue to be there.]
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Olive Garden Memories (Andes mints, getting squirted in the eye by a yellow pepper, splitting a plate, proposing, dressing up)
The many hours of WOW playing and I finally got my level 80. (that is the one memory that will never start up again :) )
Brad Paisley, Kings of Leon, B.O.B., Jason Durulo, Iyaz, Tim McGraw, and even MIMS convert!
Dressing up for Happy Routes together!
"I rove you!"
The breakroom situation at Sorenson
Raspberry Cream shasta!
Tanning on the rooftop (When I had a wardrobe malfunction :/ )
Undressing the manaquin at Old Navy so I could get my shorts!
California trip, disney land until we couldn't walk any longer.
When we discovered THE BEST PARK IN THE WORLD! We played in the water fountain in the middle of the night!

The iHop guy
Fighting in the del taco drive through for 30 minutes while the lady just kept asking us if we were ready... Best part, we fought about WATER!
Learning lifts from "So you think you can dance, dance, dance!" and going to see them LIVE!
Window painting over 250 cars at the college

"Learn 2 Park" police scandal
Dance Ensemble together!
Went crazy at dino mine and did the hokey pokey
When we found Kiara, and we took her EVERYWHERE!
"I'll have 3 cheese please?"
We communicated over FIVE different devices at once while I was in your favorite english class that you were skipping out on!

Trying to go ice skating
First time you rode a snowmobile
Parking lot dance parties!
Ping pong matches along with our bets for who buys pizza
Playing NBA 2K 11 slash NBA Live 2010 and me always punching you for winning

When we watched Sorcerer's Apprentice from 12:30-5 am (slept through both times)
Our fake "skinny dipping" at the swing!
Running through the sprinklers at Pioneer Park!
Poker nights
Winning our TV's from being BOMB at casino games

The huge bug in Arnold!
Going all the way to SLC to see Allred (and he wasn't there!)
Playing in the rain
Driving in reverse! Especially the time through the round-a-bout!
My first Big Mac & our picnic in the living room with Swamp People!

Singing to Sister Act really loud in the mall
Doing the creep at Chelsey's house
Shoving cupcake in your face at the Game Hub
War painting our faces to scare the girls
Watching Kyle XY all night long
Dancing at Brooke's wedding while everyone stared

Going to 7 Peaks on memorial day and getting stuck in traffic in the canyon so I
shaved my legs in the truck
When we got pulled over in the truck because of my dad
I made you some celery
All the times you tried to get rid of me!
Spending all night in target dancing the night away.
Dancing Triangle Friends at the Loft!
Playing deep sea tots at Greek Streak
Learning backflips on the wakeboard
Jousting with the carpet rolls at Sutherlands
Your fly was down for the entire church meetings
We made a catapult
All of our many hours spent in a car driving.
Painting Kiara's dog house while I was high
Graduating in our very expensive black (garbage bag) gowns
Kiara dancing with us
Our first 80's night after we went to BYU Salsa night and got light sabered.
Just being ourselves, being goofy, silly, AWESOME people together.
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you. Until we meet again!
A memory lasts forever never does it die. True friends stay together and never say goodbye
So many more things have happened in the 4 years I have known you that I would never have enough room to fit on this blog. You are my best friend. We have both come so far! We have made it through every obstacle that was thrown at us. I know that no matter what you'll always been a huge part of my life. I am so grateful for how goofy and fun we have been able to be together! You will be an amazing missionary and you have become an amazing man. Even though we won't be seeing each other or talking everyday, I will always be there for you no matter what.
I will see you later!
& I love you
Friday, November 11, 2011
True Eagle: New Mexico Edition
First we started off with 2 white t-shirts and 4 sharpies. Next, Austin decorated mine while I did his. We couldn't look at each others until we were completely finished.
Then, seeing as the rules from Mr. Mikey Davis this week are absolutely no smooching this was a difficult task. First, we ran outside to find a rock for this event. Next we were standing on the front porch under the light for best picture results. We were about to kiss right when Mikey shows up and stares at us.
He asks in his stern dadly voice, "What do you think you two are doing?!"
Austin replies with, "Dad, we're doing True Eagle, which means... We have to kiss."
Mikey retorts, "Um... No you don't. Hug instead."
I smart alecky replied with, "We HAVE to... So just don't watch!"We got him to step away from the door, and we hurried and kissed. Until the camera failed, so we had to a few more times.
Austin and I are now... TRUE MEXICAN EAGLES! Not everyone can say that!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Dancing Doggie
So there is a carpet cleaning commercial where a dog starts scooting its bum along the carpet and the mom freaks out. I have always thought this commercial was hilarious because I have NEVER seen a dog do this...
Until yesterday.
Yesterday I drove out to meet Austin in Monticello and then we drove together to New Mexico. We were having a great little drive where I saw the BIGGEST junk yard full of the most cars I have ever seen.
Goal for my future life: Run my very own junk yard and live in a storage shed.
We went out to Olive Garden and when we got back to his house we blasted the music and started dancing in the driveway. A very usual event with Austin and myself. We let Kiara (his amazing english mastiff dog) come and play with us. We were jumping around and having fun when all of the sudden, she plops right down on the concrete, lifts her back legs and starts scooting her bum along the ground with her front paws! The first time this happens we about died of laughing... We continued dancing when... SHE DID IT TWO MORE TIMES!
Austin is convinced that is her way of dancing.
Until yesterday.
Yesterday I drove out to meet Austin in Monticello and then we drove together to New Mexico. We were having a great little drive where I saw the BIGGEST junk yard full of the most cars I have ever seen.
Goal for my future life: Run my very own junk yard and live in a storage shed.
We went out to Olive Garden and when we got back to his house we blasted the music and started dancing in the driveway. A very usual event with Austin and myself. We let Kiara (his amazing english mastiff dog) come and play with us. We were jumping around and having fun when all of the sudden, she plops right down on the concrete, lifts her back legs and starts scooting her bum along the ground with her front paws! The first time this happens we about died of laughing... We continued dancing when... SHE DID IT TWO MORE TIMES!
Austin is convinced that is her way of dancing.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Causing HAVOC!
What do Thing 1 & Thing 2 do?
"Thing 1 and Thing 2 are the twin mischief-makers who accompany the Cat, in The Cat in the Hat. Warbling their own indecipherable language and literally leaping from one catastrophic fun-making adventure to another."That is exactly what Jazmin Snook and Myself did from the beginning of putting on the costume, till the moment we took it off.
We made homemade root beer, and what did we do to it??
We met a lumberjack (aka Selena Gomez) and Bat girl, and what did we do??
Then we met some Luchador's/cereal killers/Dr. Seuss/JUSTIN BEIBER and YOU GUESSED IT!
Halloween was a good time! We were sexy and we knew it. We party rocked. We were jerks and dougies. We made that institute poppin. All while running around!
& yelling
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