Sunday, October 9, 2011

Righty loosey, Lefty tighty?

The Scientific Method:
1. Observation/Research
Problem: The concept of righty tighty, left loosey is unable to be learned by boys.
Past experiences: Austin Davis trying to unscrew not one but two different bolts by using this method and thinking turning it to the right means he is turning it to the left. 
Aust trying to figure out how to get the bolt off. 

2. Hypothesis
Possible solution to teach this method "McCormick's Garlic Salt"

3. Experiment
Sitting at the dinner table at the cabin and explaining the past experiences with Austin starts the experiment. 
Jeff: Pulls out the garlic salt to explain the concept to Austin. In doing this confuses himself and understands everything Austin has been saying.
Morgan & Lylis: Still understand that turning the lid to the right tightens, and turning it to the left loosens it. Wondering the entire time why the boys don't seem to understand.
Austin: Continues to argue his case by trying to confuse Morgan and make her forget all knowledge. (His technique to winning all arguments.)

*experiment continues for about 25 minutes.

4. Conclusion:
That no matter how much it makes sense, boys over analyse in which direction something is turning. They don't grasp the concept that it is a circle and think that, oh goodness I don't even understand their thoughts still! The conclusion is that boys and girls minds are completely different! 
Boys understand: Clockwise and Counter clockwise
Girls understand: Everything 

Science Experiment Complete

1 comment:

  1. Dear Morgan. This is very useful information. Please remember it always. It will make your relationship with your future spouse much easier;) plus. Boys are always right. Just ask them. The end.
