Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Catch Up

I am playing catch up. This weekend was full of blog worthy stories. So here it is, day by day.

This weekend my family went up north on Friday evening to go with Austin to the temple.
The car ride up was quite amusing.
Growing up, anytime I rode in the car with my Grandma Johnson we would sing the whole way up.

Songs like:
All of the Military songs; Navy, Marines, Etc.
Bow wow wow
The Doctor Song
Sippin Cider
The Classics!
To cheer her up we started singing these songs again. It was a great time.

Saturday: while everyone was at the temple. I whipped out my iPhone's Map Quest and drove through Draper area like I was a local. Kimmie, Jena and I went to Target to find some icing for her cake.

While we were in Target we found the most amazing device that we MUST have

After Target we took a trip to the delicious and satisfying: RED MANGO

We hurried back to the temple to be there in time for when they came out. Little did we know they'd be another hour. So we saw three beautiful brides come out and everyone cheer. We got in their little huddles and tried to get caught in pictures. You could say we were the mormon wedding crashers.

Later everyone headed to Tucano's for lunch. It was my first time and I can't believe most everyone ate a chicken heart. We all got Brazilian Lemonades. (BEST DRINK EVER)

Sunday: was Austin's farewell. He did an amazing job. We had a lunch at his house after. When everyone had left, their family went on their traditional family walk and I was invited! Although the only thing I had was what I wore to church. We walked around the block and in the hills, in my heels! We tossed around a football while we were walking. It was way fun.

Monday: it is Red Ribbon Week at Kim's school and Tuesday is Rockstar Day. I headed over to the parents house to do her hair and this was what we got.

Everyone said that it would last through the night... But here is how it turned out!


I had to play this week, and I didn't completely fail. Our team won ONE game. Lost both matches, but one game is a step up to last week! I mostly tried to stay away from the ball. Although I hit the ball a couple of times over the net, I also hit a couple duds. At one point I did a 360 and then hit the ball and it went clear to the other side of the court. In my defense it was because Brett yelled "Kimmie! Morgan! Kimmie!" So I was unsure of who was supposed to get the ball!

This video is us winning the game.

Jazmin was my sub. We played hard. Jaz even got a bruise! 
This is our team picture. 

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